Zucchini Wrapped Halibut “Scallops”

I found a recipe on pinterest that piqued my interest – halibut scallops! We had to try it out. So we did, and it turned out pretty awesome! I did make a few modifications, as the recipe as-is just didn’t sing quite right to me. You will need 1 zucchini, using a peeler to make…

Lemon-Dill Halibut with Dill Potato Salad

DILL OVERLOAD!! YEAH! I found a new gf cookbook that’s got some great recipes. It’s in the “links” up top, but it’s called “Great Gluten-Free Vegan Eats” by Allyson Kramer. Ok, I’ve only tried 2 of the recipes, but I’m impressed! And there’s actually not one recipe I don’t want to try, which is rare…

Halibut Chowder

I came up with this one when it was still chilly outside (so, you know, May in Seattle). I based this on a meal we had while hiking/camping in Alaska – so simple, yet so delicious! It’s rich and hearty, and should fill up your tummy with delicious flavor pretty quickly. 1-1.5 lb halibut, black…